Monday, January 17, 2011

o give us a home

wherein nothing 'roams' including our cellfone. where we maintain apartments the size of closets. where we meet a challenge with coned when they get annoyed enuf 2 end the fonecall with: 'we are on it'. where we lookout on the cozy neighborhood and spot a possible '2nd home' on the range.
g where the lights are on and the skies are cloudy allday.
Where leftover bread and one egg creates a feast: we KNOW 'egginthehole' is not supposed 2 look like this xactly. ok? however: we have REAL eggs inthehouse. we try a little basic:
Egg In The Hole (1 serving)   
•2 eggs
•2 slices of bread
•1 tsp. butter
In a skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Tear a 1 1/2" hole out of the center of each piece of bread. Tilt the skillet so the melted butter covers the surface of the pan. Place each slice of bread next to each other in the skillet. Crack eggs, one at a time, into the hole in the center of the bread.
After about 3 minutes, flip the bread and cook on the other side until the egg has set. Slide onto a plate and serve.

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